Policy & Practice - A Development Education Review




Policy and Practice Webinar Report: Development Education and Democracy

This is a report on a development education seminar organised by the Centre for Global Education in partnership with the Development and Intercultural (DICE) project held on 13 June 2023. The seminar was titled Development Education and Democracy and debated the content of Issue 36 of the Centre for Global Education’s journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. The speakers at the seminar were: Audrey Bryan, Marta da Costa and Brighid Golden. The report carries their presentations and a recording of the event. The seminar was organised as part of a three-year development education project funded by Irish Aid

Development Education and the Economic Paradigm Report (2023)

This is a report on a webinar held on 14 February 2023 and organised in partnership with the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA), to debate the content of Issue 35 of the Centre for Global Education’s journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review which is on the theme “Development Education and the Economic Paradigm”. The report contains video recordings and presentations of the three speakers: Harm-Jan Fricke, Irene Tollefsen and Anders Daniel Faksvåg Haugen.

Policy and Practice: Citations Database (2023)

Research into the impact of the Centre's biannual, peer-reviewed journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. The database contains listings of academic articles and books that quote or use articles from the journal as citations. Latest update: March 2023

International Development and Development Education: Challenging the Dominant Economic Paradigm? (August 2022)

This report presents the findings of research into the extent to which the international development and development education sectors are engaging with the current dominant economic system, i.e. neoliberalism/’free market’ economics, and its influence on poverty, inequality and injustice as part of their education work with the public.

Policy and Practice Evaluation Report 2022

This report sets out the findings on an independent evaluation of the Centre for Global Education’s journal, Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review carried out by Blue Moss. The report assesses the extent to which the journal is building development education capacity locally and globally and strengthening the policy environment for development education practice.


The Centre for Global Education recently circulated a call for short articles exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on development education practice and how we can respond to the pandemic as practitioners.

Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. Fifteenth Anniversary Edition

This is a special commemorative, fifteenth anniversary collection of the Centre for Global Education’s bi-annual, peer reviewed and open access journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. The journal celebrates and promotes good practice in development education; a radical and transformative educational process that empowers the learner to become actively engaged in efforts to eradicate poverty in justice both locally and globally. Since 2005, Policy and Practice has become an articulate vehicle for debating inequalities within and between the global North and South, and for encouraging active engagement with the issues underpinning poverty and injustice. This special collection carries articles by leading scholars in the field who debate issues on the cutting edge of development education practice and the policy environment in which it is delivered. Policy and Practice debates and affirms the transformative capacity of education to create a more just and equal world and this is an essential collection for anyone interested in exploring the role of education as a means toward progressive social change. It contains 32 articles on a wide range of topics including: climate change, migration, gender, Latin America and human rights. The contributors include: Vanessa Andreotti, Douglas Bourn, Su-ming Khoo, Sarah Stein, Alejandra Boni and David Selby. The special collection is available to buy at: https://publications.centreforglobaleducation.com/

Development Education and Social Justice
