Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
June 2019
1. Editorial Board
Policy and Practice has an International Editorial Board and national Editorial Group comprising leading practitioners, researchers and authors in the field of development education and global learning. The role of these Boards is to:
- Peer review articles;
- Agree the themes of future issues;
- Support the promotion of the journal;
- Work with the Editor in ensuring that articles represent the highest possible levels of academic rigor and research;
- Extend the boundaries of development education by ensuring high levels of collaboration with related sectors of education.
The full names and affiliations of the Editorial Group and International Editorial Board are available on the journal web site.
The journal contact details are as follows:
Stephen McCloskey
Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review
9 University Street
Belfast BT7 1FY
Tel: (0044) 2890241879
Email: stephen@centreforglobaleducation.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/policyandpractice/?ref=br_rs
2. Authors and Authors responsibilities
Manuscripts (as WORD attachments) should be sent to journal editor Stephen McCloskey: stephen@centreforglobaleducation.com. The following type of articles are published in the journal:
- articles are peer reviewed, between 3,500 and 6,000 words, and should have a strong critical analysis of their topic.
- article are 2,000 – 4,000 words in length and focus on aspects of practice.
- articles are 3,000-5,000 words and opinion pieces on urgent topics central to policy and / or practice in global education.
- review articles are 1,000-2,000 words in length and offer an opinion of a new book, film, teaching resource or online site on development issues.
Articles should be original. Should any material overlap with articles which the author has published elsewhere in another publication or in another language other than English, this should be made clear when the article is submitted. Focus articles should be between 3,500 and 6,000 words, including abstracts and referencing. An abstract of approximately 120 words in English should be provided at the beginning of the article. Authors are required to submit a 300-word outline of a proposed article with a working title in advance of submitting the article. The Editor will commission the article on the basis that the proposal is consistent with the aims and content of the journal.
Authors should note the following:
- No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal.
- The journal is open access so no charges are levied on readers for accessing the journal web site.
- Authors and web site users can reproduce material in other publications with the permission of the editor and a full citation quoted of the original source.
- Focus authors are obliged to participate in a peer review process.
- All authors should have significantly contributed to the research.
- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
- All authors are obliged to provide a list of references and acknowledge financial support.
- Permissions to reproduce graphics, photographs, tables and data not the work of the authors.
3. Peer-review process
Focus articles are peer-reviewed which is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field. Focus articles will be refereed by members of the International Editorial Board, the Editorial Group or other internationally renowned academics recommended by Editorial Board members.
Peer review reports are received from readers and forwarded to the author with a recommendation which will be one of the following: that the article be accepted with minor amendments; that the article be returned to the author for a major re-write; or that the article be rejected. The author’s final draft will be edited and amended by the journal’s Editor to ensure it complies with the house-style and ready for uploading to the journal web site.
Authors should prepare and send two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, including author details and short professional biographies of each author, while in the second document all information identifying the author should be removed to allow it to be sent anonymously to a reader.
The peer review process is described on the Policy and Practice site and the Editor ensures that judgments are objective and reviewers have no conflict of interest in regard to the peer review process. Reviewers complete a peer review report which affords them opportunities to recommend relevant readings not already cited in the article. They also offer opinions on structure and content. The Editor ensures that the review process is completed in confidence.
4. Publication ethics
The Centre for Global Education reserves the right to take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles in Policy and Practice where professional misconduct has occurred. Under no circumstances will Policy and Practice or its Editor encourage professional misconduct or knowingly allow misconduct to take place. In the event that the Centre for Global Education or the Editor of Policy and Practice are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, they shall investigate these allegations immediately and take action if necessary. As Policy and Practice is published online and because the Centre for Global Education holds copyright on all articles published on the site, the journal can retract or amend articles when necessary. These steps will be taken should it identify cases of professional misconduct. The Centre for Global Education as the publisher of Policy and Practice stands ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
5. Privacy notice
Policy and Practice is committed to protecting the privacy of authors and readers in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union. The Centre for Global Education’s privacy notice is set out here. For any queries regarding this privacy notice please contact: info@centreforglobaleduction.com.
6. Copyright and Access
Centre for Global Education welcomes all enquiries about reproducing Policy and Practice content. We do not charge fees for the reproduction of content. Our content is published under Creative Commons licensing. This means that all Policy and Practice content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
However, when attributing articles, Centre for Global Education insists that the original Policy and Practice citation is used. The citation for each article is available at the end of the version uploaded to the web site. If your organisation, NGO, professional website, or media organisation wants to use Policy and Practice content on a regular basis – even if you are not-for-profit – we ask that you contact us to discuss your request (stephen@centreforglobaleducation.com). Our general rule is that if you want to republish more than two pieces per month on a regular basis we ask that you contact us. Please note that no images, tables, graphics or illustrations on Policy and Practice may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior permission.
Articles are available as URLs and as downloadable pdfs. Each article is available on a stand-along basis or as part of the entire volume. The volume is available as a pdf for downloading. There are no charges for Policy and Practice users to access articles or to reproduce articles in other publications.
7. Archiving
The entire Policy and Practice archive is available on the journal web site here. The archive is backed up on the Centre for Global Education’s Dropbox account. The Dropbox account is regularly updated with new content. Should the journal no longer be funded then the Centre for Global Education will continue to renew hosting to the Policy and Practice web site. Centre for Global Education has copyright of all articles and has direct management of web site content in-house.
7. Ownership and management
Information about the management of Policy and Practice is clearly indicated in the ‘About’ section here. Contact details for the Centre for Global Education are available at the foot of the homepage here. Funders of the journal are also accredited.
8. Ethical Standards
The Policy and Practice homepage states that “Centre for Global Education has taken care to ensure that Policy and Practice has been published to high ethical and professional standards”.
9. Publishing schedule
The Policy and Practice homepage states that the journal is published bi-annually in the Spring and Autumn.
10. Name of journal
The Journal name, Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, is unique and is not one that is easily confused with another journal in the development education or other sectors in a way that might mislead potential authors and readers.